Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hi friennds....

What do you do when you're feeling a bit down? Raid the fridge, call a friend, get drunk, or have a good cry? According to new research, these common methods are all pretty useless. So what can you do?

Do's and Don'ts. For advanced mood changers keen to manipulate the energy or tension components of their moods separately- taking into account, of course, their natural daily rhythms- these are the Do's and Don'ts.

For energy: Use some of the techniques for active mood change, like relaxation, exercise and giving yourself a pep talk.

Plus: Change your location. Call someone. Keep busy. Listen to music. Take a shower. Have a rest.


  • drink coffee
  • eat
  • watch TV
  • smoke
  • get drunk
  • cry it out
  • talk it through with a friend
  • behave nervously (fidgeting, pacing)
  • enjoying a hobby
  • going shopping
  • doing chores
  • having sex
  • reading or writing
  • spiritual or religious activities

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